Happy Mother's Day! Terri ---- Liz
I took this picture at Mother's House after we celebrated Mother's Day with her with breakfast at the Cracker Barrel.
We had a good time and a good breakfast. Won't be able to actually spend Mother's Day with our mothers ---- we'll be at the VBCC for Graduation Ceremonies for Charise.
The reason I asked the girls to pose for the first picture in this post yesterday is that I wanted to write these particular words.
Terri, Charise and Jonathan would be the best to testify that you are the world's greatest Mom. There is no one in the world who loves them more or does more out of love for them.
Liz, you are, and always have been their second Mom. You could not have loved them more or better if they had been your own.
My kids love you dearly --- and I love you, too.
My love, appreciation, and admiration increased 1000 fold durning Dad's last days.
You both have always loved and cared for my Dad --- but you poured out your lives and your love wthout reserve when he needed you most. It was obvious that he treasured you and deeply appreciated every deed, every kind touch and demonstration of devotion. Every minute and every hour that you sat at his side or stood vigile over him.
You are just daughters-in-law ----- but you became daughters-in-fact by the kindness and selflessness that you showed to him.
Terri, I will never forget the tenderness and compassion you showed Daddy on that last Saturday when you hugged and kissed him and even crawled up into the bed with him to comfort and warm him. This was to be the last, best day of his life --- and your love for him is one of the things that made it a good day. You made him laugh -- you got him to act and talk his own special kind of nonsense one more time. Thank you with all my heart.
Liz, you were with him when he went to sleep for the very last time. A great responsibility for a daughter-in-law to bear ---- and I am sorry for the sadness it brought you to have been the one standing guard at his passing --- but I am grateful that you were on duty. I believe Daddy chose you to be the one to be on the last watch for his own reasons. Thank you for this gift to Dad and to all of us.
Girls, you always picked out our birthday, Christmas, and Father's Day Gifts ("What am I going to do with this crap?"). You cleaned, washed, cooked, served. You bore his caustic comments and were the brunt of his crude humor. You argued with him, joked with him, scolded him, and loved him like he was your own father.
You offered him many tender words and touches that sons do not know how to give. You helped him in many ways where we were not able.
Thank you both from me and Danny. We will never forget.
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