Thursday, May 31, 2012

My First Booger

Addison is a cleaner.

Very meticulous.  She insists on helping her Mom or Mimi dust, sweep, vacuum, and clean.

She also has excellent eyesight and can spot the most tiny speck of trash or fuzz on the floor.  You may look up at any moment and see her bringing you something pinched between thumb and forefinger.  We've tried to teach her to just throw whatever she finds in the trash, but there would be no praise or gratitude in that!

She comes bearing her discovery and says, "Mess!"  Yes.  A mess.  Thank you!  You're such a good girl!  Now let's throw that dead cricket (she also has a special penchant for bugs, living or dead) in the trash can.

Most kids just pop various floor-findings in their mouths . . . thank God for small favors in Addison's case.

Saturday she was visiting with us . . . I was sitting at the computer in my home study . . . and here she came bearing a unique treasure.  Homemade.  Self-made, actually, and not declared to be a "mess." Borne to me delicately in pinched fingers with pinky elegantly out-thrust. 

My first booger.

Not literally my first . . . but the first I ever received with such deliberation from another person.  And I DID receive it . . . as if it were a precious, hand-picked, gift-for-Papa.  I thanked her for it . . . but then wondered if I should KEEP this offering . . . or throw it away like all of the others.

She delivered me from my conundrum by running back to her toys to play . . . and I disposed of the little flacky nugget in the trash near my desk.

Now I know that Charise and Terri have been presented with many of their own personalized productions since the arrival of our little girl.  But I don't know if either of them (or anyone else in our family) has ever been honored in this same fashion.

Now, I'm not saying that I would respond to the same action in the same way from any of YOU . . . as a matter of fact, let me say this so that there is no misunderstanding . . . Do NOT bring me YOUR boogers!  Believe me, I would NOT feel warm and fuzzy and Grandfatherly if you did so.

Just counting my blessings . . . and this is one of them.


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