Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Everybody's Happy . . . but the Cat

Here are three of my Girls . . . and a stray cat that wandered up . . . not looking for love . . . just for something to eat.

My beautiful daughter . . . Saturday morning, leopard pants, a sweat shirt, no makeup . . . and prettier than any Queen upon any throne!

Addison . . . so proud of that toothless smile! How can she be so tall?

And then there's Elsa . . . I mean Avery . . . wearing her Elsa Halloween costume . . . three weeks after Halloween.

She's kinda worn it to a frazzle . . . she looks more like Mrs. Haversham (Great Expectations) than Queen Elsa, but its what she wants to wear . . . to school, to church, and to bed.  Quite a battle every day.  On this Saturday she won, again.

I love 'em.

I'm so blessed and thankful to have them.

Thank you, Gracious Heavenly Father . . . in this wonderful moment . . . everybody is happy.

But the cat.

And frankly . . . I'm good with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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share my experience here with friends.