Thursday, March 15, 2018



Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy 

In 2014 Mother was diagnosed with a neurological disease that had, in fact, been plaguing her and growing ever worse for years. The diagnosis, and all attempted treatment came too late to be to any benefit.

Early diagnosis and early treatment are crucial in treating and halting the damage caused by CIDP . . . and very, very often the disease is not successfully diagnosed. Doctors are not negligent, lacking in diligence, or care . . . the testing and discovery protocols for this malady are still in their infancy and require greater development.

The patient grows tired and physically weak. A general physical malaise leads to mental and emotional weariness and depression. As muscles fail to respond to mental commands, the mind loses the will to push, press, try, or carry on.

The four words that compose the diagnosis simply mean that the body's immune system attacks the insulation around the nerves that communicate brain signals to the muscles. It attacks the insulating myelinen with inflammatory vigor . . . as if it were trying to rid the body of an infection. As the myelinen is eaten away . . . the nerve signals short out into the body . . . and muscles (arms, legs, feet, shoulders, neck) cannot function properly. The condition manifests itself as fatigue, weariness,weakness, and tiredness.

Mother's blood pressure was perfect. She had no cardiovascular or heart disease. She could hear and see, her mind was relatively clear and she could carry on an intelligent conversation. Her blood sugar levels were perfect. Liver, kidneys, digestion all excellent. But she couldn't walk, raise herself from her bed, or exercise any significant physical mobility.

During Mother's year-long infusion treatments we met many people who were also suffering from CIDP (the treatment room each session was filled with patients). Many were seeing the reversal of their condition . . . because of early diagnosis.

No one knows what would make our own body-protection system turn on us like this . . . it is just ONE of many immune system related diseases that plagues humanity in the 21st Century.
For years we took Mother to every kind of medical specialist imaginable. She was submitted to every imaginable test and examination. She was bombarded with drugs and medications, diets, exercises, and physical therapies. None of them have any effect on CIDP.

The patient must be infused (like a kidney dialysis treatment) with medication that rebuilds the myelinen surrounding the nerves throughout the body. Nothing else has any effect.

Mother's Doctors were not saying, "We do not know what is wrong with you." They were all saying, "There is nothing really wrong with you." They treated her like a mental case who was suffering from some kind of psychosomatic neurosis. They pounded her with psychotropic drugs and mood-altering medications. None of these address a neuropathological disease.

Even after spending a week undergoing tests and examinations at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota . . . Mother's case was undiagnosed.

If you are suffering from the kinds of symptoms that I have described . . . have your General Practitioner find an exceptional Neurologist that can test you specifically for CIDP.

1 comment:

Angie said...

If anyone is in the central Florida area my neurologist is awesome and stays on top of me. Email at if you would like the info... Angie